Reunión del Comité África de la IS en Accra, Ghana

7 octubre 2016

Veep commends social democratic governments says they advance interest of vulnerable 

Graphic Online, 8 October
The vice-president, Mr Kwesi Amissah-Arthur, has defended the record of social democratic parties across the world, arguing that the philosophical stance of such political parties are anchored on advancing the interest of the working class in the pursuit of social development... Read more



Socialist International predicts landslide victory for NDC 

Channel R Online, 10 October 2016
The Socialist International says it is confident the National Democratic Congress (NDC) would win hands down the December 7 polls, following the expanded infrastructure development and provision of social services by the government... Read more



Gov’t Committed to Equitable Distribution of Resources – Mahama, 9 October 2016
President John Mahama says the government is committed to social democracy and equitable distribution of the national cake... Read more



Secretary General of Socialist International praises Mahama for infrastructure dv’t, 9 October 2016
The Secretary General of Socialist International, Luis Ayala has commended the John Mahama led-government for its achievements over the years. According to Mr Luis Ayala, he has seen several... Read more



Shirkii Xisbiyada Ku Bohoobay Socialist International oo lasoo gabogabeeyay + Somaliland Oo Ka Soo Qeyb Gashay 

Karin News, 10 October 2016
Shirkii Xisbiyada Ku Bohoobay Socialist International ee lagu Magaalada Accra oo lasoo gabogabeeyay. Ururka ay ku bohoobeen Xisbiyada Socialist-ka ee Magaciisu loogu yeedho Socialist International oo shirkiisii sanadlaha ahaa... Read more


Shirkii Xisbiyada Ku Bohoobay Socialist International oo lasoo gabogabeeyay + Somaliland Oo Ka Soo Qeyb Gashay 

Karin News, 10 October 2016
Shirkii Xisbiyada Ku Bohoobay Socialist International ee lagu Magaalada Accra oo lasoo gabogabeeyay. Ururka ay ku bohoobeen Xisbiyada Socialist-ka ee Magaciisu loogu yeedho Socialist International oo shirkiisii sanadlaha ahaa... Read more


Socialist International predicts landslide victory for NDC 

Ghana Politics, 8 October 2016
The Socialist International says it is confident the National Democratic Congress (NDC) would win hands down the December 7 polls, following the expanded infrastructure development and provision of social services by the government... Read more


Mali : L’internationale socialiste- Comité Afrique à Accra, 11 October 2016
La rencontre a enregistré la participation de nombreuses délégations tant maliennes qu’africaines. Elle a été honorée par la présence remarquée du camarade Georges Papandreau, ancien Premier ministre grec, Président de l’Internationaliste Socialiste... Read more




Mahama: NDC remains committed to social democratic values, 9 October 2016 
President John Mahama has said his administration is committed to the ideals of social democracy in its pursuit to generate wealth and prosperity for all. The National Democratic Congress (NDC) flagbearer said the party is proud of its social democratic credentials... Read more



Socialist International Predicts Landslide Victory For NDC, 10 October 2016
The Socialist International says it is confident the National Democratic Congress (NDC) would win hands down the December 7 polls, following the expanded infrastructure development and provision of social services by the government... Read more


Socialist International Predicts Landslide Victory For NDC 

Ghana Star, 8 October 2016
The Socialist International says it is confident the National Democratic Congress (NDC) would win hands down the December 7 polls, following the expanded infrastructure development and provision of social services by the government... Read more


Socialist International predicts landslide victory for NDC 

Ghana Web, 8 October 2016
The Socialist International says it is confident the National Democratic Congress (NDC) would win hands down the December 7 polls, following the expanded infrastructure development and provision of social services by the government... Read more


Socialist International predicts landslide victory for NDC  

Ghana Politics Online, 8 October 2016
The Socialist International says it is confident the National Democratic Congress (NDC) would win hands down the December 7 polls, following the expanded infrastructure development and provision of social services by the government... Read more

Gov’t committed to equitable distribution of resources – Mahama 

GHTV, 9 October 2016
General News of Sunday, 9 October 2016 Source: GBC President Mahama at the meeting of the Socialist International Africa Committee in Accra President John Mahama says the government... Read more


Government would not thwart the will of the people – Amissah-Arthur 

Ghana Business News, 10 October 2016   
Vice President Kwesi Amissah-Arthur has assured Ghanaians that the government would not do anything to thwart the will of the people in the December 7 elections... Read more

Communication présentée par Brigitte Kafui ADJAMAGBO-JOHNSON à la réunion du Comité Afrique de l’Internationale Socialiste autour du thème "Faire avancer notre vision social-démocrate en Afrique", Accra (Ghana) les 7 et 8 octobre 2016

News Alome, 10 October 2016
Les Togolaises et les Togolais ont engagé une longue marche vers la démocratie depuis le début des années 90 ; plus précisément après le mouvement insurrectionnel du 5 octobre 1990... Read more